Illness and occupational disability
If you fall ill or become occupationally disabled and are no longer able to work, your salary and accrual of holiday and leave hours will be affected.
If you fall ill or become occupationally disabled and are no longer able to work, your salary and accrual of holiday and leave hours will be affected.
The consequences should you become ill or occupationally disabled are described in the Sickness and Disability Scheme of the Dutch Universities (Ziekte- en Arbeidsongeschiktheidsregeling Nederlandse Universiteiten, or ZANU), which sets out the conditions for receiving full or partial leave. The ZANU scheme also outlines the rehabilitation procedures during and after your recovery.
During the initial 52 weeks of illness, you will retain 100% of your salary. If you remain ill for a longer period, over the next 52 weeks, you will receive 70% of your salary for any hours not worked and 100% of your salary for any hours you do work. If your salary drops below the minimum wage under these conditions, you will receive the minimum wage. You will receive 100% of your salary during pregnancy and maternity leave.
If you are fully or partially unable to work due to illness or occupational disability but are still eligible for your full or partial salary, you will continue to accrue holiday hours. The university will consult with the company doctor to ensure that you take these holidays during your period of illness. If you are unable to take holidays while you are ill, you will not be obliged to do so. Any arrangements concerning flexible working hours will be automatically cancelled six months after your first day of illness. More information on this topic can be found in Article 4.7.8 of the CAO.
If you are or will be in gender transition, you will be entitled to up to two weeks of paid transition leave per calendar year with effect from 1 August 2023. This leave allows you to have medical and non-medical treatment without having to call in sick. If you are unable to work as the result of a medical procedure, transition leave will start on the first day on which you are unable to work. It is also possible to take this leave in parts. If you wish to do this, please make sure you submit your request at least eight weeks in advance. See Article 4.26 of the collective labour agreement for the exact conditions to be met when requesting transition leave in parts.