Informal care

Informal care

If you take care of a partner, child or other family member who is sick or chronically ill, the university is happy to work with you to find ways to continue doing so.

Care leave

You are entitled to take short-term care leave in order to provide informal care for an ailing partner, (grand)parent, brother or sister, (grand)child (including stepchildren, children-in-law or foster children), roommate or close friend who need to be cared for at home. Long-term care leave is also possible if you need to look after a family member for a longer period. There are statutory regulations governing the continuation of salary when taking care leave. Any other conditions will depend on the individual agreements made between you and your employer.

Statutory regulations

Your right to short-term care leave is set out in the Work and Care Act (Wet arbeid en zorg). You are entitled to at least two weeks of paid or partially paid care leave per year, during which you will receive at least 70% of the statutory minimum wage and no more than 70% of the maximum daily wage as set out in Section 17(1) of the Social Insurance (Funding) Act (Wet financiering sociale verzekeringen). It is possible to take more than two working weeks of care leave, provided you arrange it with your employer and it does not interfere with the interests of your employment, i.e. the employer’s economic and operational interests are not seriously affected. This is the case if there is no staff available to do your job because you possess exclusive knowledge or because you occupy a position of high strategic importance, for example.

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