If you are unemployed because your temporary contract expired or you have been dismissed (e.g. due to a reorganisation), you will probably want to know what your options are. Read below about what benefits you may be entitled to and where you can apply for them.
What are your entitlements?
If you are unemployed and satisfy the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) criteria, you are entitled to unemployment benefit. In principle, this amount is equal to 70% of your most recent salary. There is an applicable maximum, however. If your salary is higher than the maximum daily wage specified in the Unemployment Insurance Act (Werkloosheidswet), your benefit will be equal to 70% of the maximum.
Additional benefits
You may also apply for a benefit under the Netherlands Universities Enhanced Unemployment Scheme (BWNU). This may supplement your unemployment benefit or can directly succeed your unemployment benefit after it ends. If your salary exceeds the maximum daily wage under the Unemployment Insurance Act, you are eligible for a supplement to boost your benefit up to 70% of your salary.
If you are dismissed and are aged 45 or over and have accrued at least seven years of service, you will receive an additional benefit following termination of your unemployment benefit. In principle this additional benefit is equal to 70% of your salary, however it may never exceed 70% of the maximum salary of salary scale 12. The duration of the additional benefit will depend on your age and the number of service years you have accrued. Ask your HR department for the applicable conditions of the enhanced unemployment scheme.
Applying for a benefit under the BWNU
To apply for a benefit under the Netherlands Universities Enhanced Unemployment Scheme (BWNU), you must also apply for a regular benefit under the Unemployment Insurance Act. The same rules and deadlines apply for both unemployment benefit schemes. Apply for the BWNU benefit within seven days of becoming unemployed; your employer will provide you with this information upon your dismissal. If you have any questions, contact your HR department. The website of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (UNL) provides the required forms and further information.