

How dismissal will affect you depends on the reasons for your dismissal and your employment contract.

Dismissal from temporary employment

A temporary employment contract can be terminated by both you and the employer. This must always be effected in writing, clearly stating the reasons for the termination. The following notice periods apply for early termination of a temporary employment contract:

  • Three months, if you have been working for at least twelve months in a row;
  • Two months, if you have been working for between six and twelve months;
  • One month, if you have been working for less than six months or have been dismissed after having reached the age you are entitled to an old-age pension (AOW).

Notice periods for temporary employment

There is no obligation to renew a temporary employment contract. The following notice periods apply when terminating a temporary contract:

  • Three months, if you have been working for at least twelve months in a row;
  • Two months, if you have been working for between six and twelve months;
  • One month, if you have been working for less than six months or have been dismissed after having reached the age you are entitled to an old-age pension (AOW).

Dismissal from permanent employment

Your permanent employment contract may be terminated if your job is eliminated on economic grounds. This may, for instance, apply in the case of a reorganisation. The university can also dismiss you after at least two years of long-term illness. The university must however apply for a permit for this from the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) and observe a notice period. In the case of other reasons for terminating your permanent employment contract, such as inadequate performance, recurring sickness absence or a strained working relationship, the university can request the subdistrict court to terminate the employment contract.

Notice periods for permanent employment

The following notice periods apply to termination of permanent employment:

  • Three months, if you have been working for at least twelve months in a row;
  • Two months in all other cases;
  • One month if you were employed after already having reached the age you were entitled to an old-age pension.

Transitional compensation

Is your employment being terminated on or after 1 January 2018? In some cases, you may be entitled to a transition payment. However, this is not the case if:

  • Your permanent contract is being terminated or your temporary contract is not being extended on economic grounds;
  • You are entitled to a subsequent BWNU benefit, i.e. based on the Netherlands Universities Enhanced Unemployment Scheme (BWNU: Bovenwettelijke Werkloosheidsregeling Nederlandse Universiteiten), and have applied for this;
  • You have reached the age you are entitled to an old-age pension.


Will you be unemployed soon? The Unemployment page provides information on which benefits you are entitled to and how you can apply for them.

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