Changing jobs

Changing jobs

It is sometimes in the university’s interests that you change jobs. You are obliged to accept a different job if the university asks you to (Article 1.10 of the CAO), even if it means working at a different location or department.

Appropriate duties

Any alternative job proposed by your employer must be appropriate for you. Article 9.12 of the CAO discusses this point. ‘Appropriate’ means that:

  • you possess the right knowledge and expertise to perform the job properly;
  • you can be trained to do the job within 12 months;
  • your character, circumstances and prospects suit the position reasonably well.

A job at a lower job level

You and your employer may agree that a different job would be better suited to your stage of development or life. If the job in question is at a lower job level than your current job, the salary scale for the lower job level will apply to you. In principle, your salary step will stay the same after you change jobs. If certain salary steps are absent, you will be placed in the nearest salary step in the lower salary scale. The salary phase-out will take place gradually over five years. You will receive 100% of the difference in the first year, 80% in the second year, 60% in the third year, 40% in the fourth year and 20% in the fifth year. You can make arrangements with your employer about the consequences this will have for your pension. Read more about this in Article 7.5, Paragraphs 3 and 4, of the collective labour agreement.

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